Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday May 30

Tomorrow's my day off! I'm so happy, I really feel like I've worked really hard this week and I'm so excited to just sleep in a tiny bit, and get to wear whatever I want instead of professional clothes and to just take a day, get some productive things done but also just relax.

In the immediate future I guess I'm excited about just sitting on this couch listening to Vitamin String Quartet a little longer and drinking my vodka carrot juice and typing this to you all and reading some of your latest posts and then going to bed in not too long and not worrying about my alarm.

Overnight oats with berries
Salad and fries - lunch in the cafeteria has the worst options
Out for dinner: veggie burrito, sopapilla. Didn't love the burrito, it was too salty and oily and I'm a little afraid there was butter on it which is now in my body on its way to make me sick.
Vodka carrot juice

None except the normal walk to work

I did really well today. I remembered to get a big water bottle with lunch and I had all 33 oz of that plus 28 between my morning and evening mason jars. So that's 61. Plus some at dinner but I'm not sure how much.

Work was long - I didn't get home until 7. That's about a 13 hr day from the time I left, and it's been at least 12 hr days almost all week. I am tired and I feel like I don't have nearly enough time for all the other things I want to do. Sometimes I get so mad when I think about how much debt I have, how many hours I work, and how underpaid I am in comparison. 

And then I have to take a breath and let it go and be glad I have a job and that it's something I want to do. I try to remember to be grateful, sometimes I forget.

Xoxo little birds

1 comment:

  1. vodka carrot juice. i'm giggling too much.
    yikes. hopefully, there was no butter! or not so much of it that it might make you ill x
    it's hard to be grateful sometimes, and that's understandable. i think feeling grateful is one of the most euphoric feelings in the world. funnily enough, sometimes, i want to cry because i can see the world in colour. then i remember that i can breathe and that i am alive. and i just find that such a beautiful thing. not everyone lives tonight, but i did. and that makes me special. and that makes you special too. we are special just for existing - us humans.

    -Sam Lupin
