Saturday, October 12, 2013

Morning Intake

I just finished lunch and I'm nervous about what to eat for the rest of the day. It's been like a week since I had a good day and didn't eat too much and I'm genuinely scared of my kitchen because I feel really fragile right now.

Fortunately I'm at work for a little while longer but hopefully I can find some strength when I get home.

Breakfast was whole grain toasted roll with peanut butter and applesauce, and black tea like always

Lunch was leftovers of penne pasta with an acorn squash sauce from a couple nights ago.

I also had a black coffee here at work.

For dinner I'm not too sure. I'll probably have a glass of wine and maybe we'll go out or maybe make stirfry or who knows. 

I think it's the uncertainty that extra scares me.

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