Friday, December 31, 2010

Just Super Quick

Just a lightning fast post to tell you I'm sorry I've not been keeping up the past couple days.

I made it safely back to LA, I'm enjoying the New Year's weekend with my boyfriend, and I'll do a full update post on Sunday when I have more time.

I'm feeling much better now that I'm not eating dessert, I haven't been binging. I feel like it's going to be a slow road to my goals (I gained like 8 pounds in the past couple weeks), but I'm hopeful and not too anxious.

And tonight, we drink champagne!

Happy New Year my loves. You're wonderful and I'm excited to catch up on all your posts when I get a chance.


  1. Happy new years love,
    hope you had a great time (:

  2. yay for new years in LA with the BF:) have a fantastic time tonight!
