Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gosh I love break.

I've been lying low the past couple days. Saturday's binge made me feel really sick all day on Sunday, I was just incredibly nauseous all day and stayed in bed. I took the opportunity to really think about how not worth it the binging is, and I'm really hoping I can keep in that mindset. Moving on...

Monday's breakfast was Apple Crisp - the Betty Crocker recipe, but veganized. It wasn't exactly diet friendly, but it felt like a triumph because this is something I would have been terrified to eat in the height of my ED, and I was able to enjoy it with my family. And tea. Mmm.

Lovely crispy texture.

I ate part before I remembered to take a picture...it was that delicious.

My sisters, mom and I did some Christmas shopping that took us a few places, but my favorite was Cost Plus World Market. I seriously love that store. I got some vegan chocolate (the Ghirardelli 72% dark - 1 piece is so satisfying), some pasta, some spicy/sweet flaxseed chips, some dark chocolate spread (Nutella isn't vegan but sometimes I crave something similar), and I helped my mom pick things out for a food basket for my aunt. The real treasure, though, was this:

It's one of the only vegan brands of hot chocolate mix because it's designed to be made with milk. It's kind of hard to find around here. I tried it this morning and it was lovely. 25 g/2 tbsp = 100 calories, but it was a little too sweet, so in the future I wouldn't use a whole serving. 

This morning, these little guys were in our field. Cute or scary? I can't decide. Anyway, I guess these llamas belong to the neighbors but they like to graze in our pasture during the day.

You would think maybe our dog, Rocket, would chase them off, but he's getting kind of old, so he just sort of barks feebly and then ignores them. But he is so cute:

The final delightful afternoon project was making some vegan muddy buddies. If you're not familiar, it's basically rice chex coated with chocolate/peanut butter/earth balance mixture, then tossed with powdered sugar. Sugary heaven. And I haven't binged, that's a wonderful feeling.

That's my sister's lovely hand modeling for us. 

Other activities of the day have basically been just knitting and watching movies with my sisters. I love Christmas break.


  1. 1. all the food looks amazing! i might have to make some of that buddy mix, yummmmm
    2. your dog is adorable
    3. i'm glad your having some good bonding time with your sisters =) i love hearing about people being close with their siblings because i'm super close with my sister and pretty close with my brother and i like knowing other people experience that joy too =) it makes me really sad when i see two of my cousins on my moms side fight and say they hate each other and how they cant wait until the one that's my age is off at college. =(

  2. The foods look so yummy! Congrats on not binging. :)

    And the llamas look adorable, haha.

  3. haha im not sure if there cute or scary either but there cool (:
    congrats on not binging!

  4. The food looks delish. I love muddy buddies, although I call it puppy chow. Same thing though. :P Glad to hear you got some good food for yourself. The llamas were cool and your dog is really cute.

  5. wow how cool! i also want some llamas to hang out in my back yard~ (not that i've got one... :p)
    the black chocolate sounds great~
    may i ask why hot chocolate ain't vegan for most brands, ain't it just cocoa powder with sugar and flavor ingredients?
    i buy the natural cocoa powder (not sweetened and no other stuff in it) and drink it with soy milk and it tasted just great~

  6. Okay all that food looks freaking delicious. Glad you had a good day, and congrats on not binging!
