Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve = Love


First off, I just wanted to let you all know that I added an "about and contact" page, tabbed at the top. If there's anything else you'd like to know or see on there, let me know, I am an open book for you, my loves.

I also added a picture. Now I'm really out there. Eep.

My day has been good so far. I baked Morning Glory muffins to take to the church breakfast in the morning. Morning Glory muffins are an ideal breakfast: whole wheat flour, raisins, carrots, apples, walnuts, yay! I made these mini for sharing at church. About 60 calories each, and I ate a few for breakfast/lunch.

Second lunch, or whatever it would be, at 3 pm, was some Spinach Dal (Indian lentils) with 1/2 cup brown rice. It's not pretty but it tastes delicious. This bowl is 305 calories.

I also had 3 cherry tomatoes around 5 pm.

Tonight should be good. My middle sister, E, she's 17, doesn't get back from a trip until late this evening (like 11 pm) so we're waiting for her to do our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. We always have doughnuts (I'm having an ultra-healthy Great Harvest muffin instead), hot chocolate (I'll be heating some chocolate almond milk) and oranges, and my Dad reads the Christmas story from the Bible, then we all open one present. I'm excited for E to be back. My other two sisters, S (20) and N (15), are here, but it will be nice to have the whole family together finally.

Happy Christmas again, I hope you're all having a holiday that rocks your socks.


  1. the muffins look yuuuum!
    hope you having / had a good christmas (:

  2. happy christmas Kari.
    love you beautiful :)
