Friday, December 17, 2010

A little more lost.

I'm down another 0.6 pounds to 114 this morning. Again, I'm sure it's just easy binge weight coming off. I've decided I don't think I'll take my scale with me when I fly home today, though it is tempting, I'm supposed to be less of a slave to it now. Maybe if I go cold turkey it'll help break the habit. And before I go, a little taste of where I'm headed this evening. 

This is my house, full of my wonderful family. Please ignore our incredibly sad-looking lawn. 

This is the winter sunrise from my back porch. If you look closely, there's a little snow on the ground. Just a few hours left (and one exam) until my flight.


  1. Wow, your house is amazing, dreamy, I´d love to go to a place like that(L)
    Good luck on the exam, you´ll do great!
    And I think it´s good that you are not bringing the scale with you

  2. I love your house its really pretty =) good luck with the exam and have a good flight and a great time at home =)
