Thursday, December 16, 2010

A note about my boyfriend.

This is a picture of my anniversary present from my boyfriend. It's a chocolate and a letter for each year we've been together - 4 years.

He is wonderful. We've been through some hard things, but he knows all about my struggles with eating, and he totally supports me being healthy but doesn't push too much. I love him a lot.

I fully expect that we'll be getting engaged in the next year.

Also, he's hot. :)

So I ate these chocolates of course, because how could I not after he went through all the trouble to track down fancy vegan chocolates for me? 2 yesterday, 2 today. But they're small...and actually 3 of them were just a piece of dried fruit dipped in dark chocolate, satisfying but a little bit healthy. Yay.

In other news, my neuroscience test this morning sucked. And I'm procrastinating studying for tomorrow's. I'm watching Skins on youtube, and reading all your lovely blogs, and I think maybe that's all I really want to do for now.

Christmas break is so close I can taste it.

1 comment:

  1. your bf sounds like a real sweetie
    its awesome that he supports you =)
