Friday, November 22, 2013

Bikini Body

I had a startling realization this AM. I was talking to my man about booking our hotel for a wedding we're going to in January and we decided on this place:

Yeah. That's an infinity pool and the ocean. In Hawaii.

So we made our reservation and I started getting really excited about it. But then I realized it's ONLY 2 MONTHS AWAY! 

I'm so not ready to put on a swimsuit. Not even a little. Of course I'm working on body positivity and feeling comfortable in my skin no matter my attire etc. But there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a little more fit before I go on a luxurious vacation. 

So I was trying to come up with a plan that's liveable during the holidays and will also make me confidently more fit in 2 months time. 

I think the best plan is probably more exercise as opposed to diet-focused at least through until January with the holidays. I haven't really decided for sure what the plan should be - I want to think about it. Anyone have ideas for me? I just want to feel awesome without getting crazy.

Thanks loves.


  1. I think you've got a good plan with working on exercise and body positivity. I'm a big fan of the "how to get a bikini body: put a bikini on your body, you look awesome" method, so body positivity, yes. I'd suggest doing whatever types of exercise you're most comfortable with and most enjoy. Regardless of what it is, if you do it regularly, I think you'll feel more fit and strong by the time your vacation comes around.
    Have a lovely weekend xx

  2. That looks fabulous!!

    I sympathize on the bathing suit issue. Aside from scars, I'm still too self conscious to put on a bathing suit. And I wouldn't even consider a bikini. They make "slimming" full bathing suits that look really nice (it's basically a control-top bathing suit) and can help as far as feeling a bit more comfortable about how you look. I have also gotten away with extremely old fashioned bathing suits when at the beach (think 1950's and earlier...), which cover up a helluva lot more than a bikini. :D

    As for an exercise plan - maybe come up with a schedule to do a couple toning exercises a few days a week? That way you can focus on targeting specific spots, and also you'd be doing lower impact workouts (as opposed to cardio), so it'll be a little easier to not go crazy.

    I'm so excited for you about the Hawaii trip!!! I bet you're going to have a blast.


  3. Two months, plenty of time babe, no worries
    hmm definitely just stay positive with your body image. People will notice your confidence in yourself more so than your actual outer appearance. Which is all affected by how you view yourself.
    Anyways, you'll look stunning no matter what ;] no doubt.
    Listen to your bodies needs and take care.
    Lots of love, little bit of jealousy haha xx
